Source code for tfgraph.utils.callbacks.update_edge_notifier

import numpy as np

from tfgraph.utils.callbacks.update_edge_listener import UpdateEdgeListener

[docs]class UpdateEdgeNotifier: """ This class is used to notify another classes that a change in graph edges. The graph (or another class that wants to notify an edge change) inherits this class and when an edge changes it will notify this change to all the attached objects. The objects attached to this class need to implement `update_edge(edge,change)` method. Attributes: _listeners (:obj:`set`): The set of objects that will be notified when an edge modifies it weight. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Constructor of UpdateEdgeNotifier The set of listeners is initialised. """ self._listeners = set()
[docs] def attach(self, listener: UpdateEdgeListener): """ Method to attach objects from this class notifications. Args: listener (:obj:`tfgraph.UpdateEdgeListener`): An object that will start being notified when the graph changes its edge set. Returns: This method returns nothing. """ self._listeners.add(listener)
[docs] def detach(self, listener: UpdateEdgeListener): """ Method to detach objects from this clas notifications. Args: listener (:obj:`tfgraph.UpdateEdgeListener`): An object that will stop being notified when the graph changes its edge set. Returns: This method returns nothing. """ self._listeners.discard(listener)
def _notify(self, edge: np.ndarray, change: float): """ The private method that is used internally to notify the changes to attached classes. This method will broadcast the `change` of the `edge` to all the objects attached to this class. Args: edge (:obj:`np.ndarray`): The vector of shape [2] that represent and edge being edge[0] the source vertex and edge[1] the destination vertex. change (float): The variation in the edge weight. Returns: This method returns nothing. """ for listener in self._listeners: listener.update_edge(edge, change)