Source code for tfgraph.algorithms.pagerank.iterative_pagerank

from typing import List

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from tfgraph.algorithms.pagerank import PageRank
from tfgraph.algorithms.pagerank import \
from tfgraph.graph.graph import Graph
from tfgraph.utils.math.convergence_criterion import ConvergenceCriterion

[docs]class IterativePageRank(PageRank): """ The Iterative PageRank implementation. This class acts as the iterative algorithm to obtain the PageRank ranking of a graph. The PageRank algorithm calculates the rank of each vertex in a graph based on the relational structure from them and giving more importance to the vertices that connects with edges to vertices with very high in-degree recursively. This class depends on the TensorFlow library, so it's necessary to install it to properly work. Attributes: sess (:obj:`tf.Session`): This attribute represents the session that runs the TensorFlow operations. name (str): This attribute represents the name of the object in TensorFlow's op Graph. beta (float): The reset probability of the random walks, i.e. the probability that a user that surfs the graph an decides to jump to another vertex not connected to the current. T (:obj:`tfgraph.Transition`): The transition matrix that provides the probability distribution relative to the walk to another node of the graph. v (:obj:`tf.Variable`): The stationary distribution vector. It contains the normalized probability to stay in each vertex of the graph. So represents the PageRank ranking of the graph. writer (:obj:`tf.summary.FileWriter`): This attribute represents a TensorFlow's Writer, that is used to obtain stats. is_sparse (bool): Use sparse Tensors if it's set to True. Not implemented yet. iter (:obj:`tf.Tensor`): The operation that will be repeated in each iteration of the algorithm. """
[docs] def __init__(self, sess: tf.Session, name: str, graph: Graph, beta: float, writer: tf.summary.FileWriter = None, is_sparse: bool = False) -> None: """ Constructor of the class. This method initializes the attributes needed to run the Algebraic version of PageRank algorithm. It uses the `tfgraph.TransitionResetMatrix` as transition matrix between vertex. Args: sess (:obj:`tf.Session`): This attribute represents the session that runs the TensorFlow operations. name (str): This attribute represents the name of the object in TensorFlow's op Graph. G (:obj:`tfgraph.Graph`): The graph on witch it will be calculated the algorithm. It will be treated as Directed Weighted Graph. beta (float): The reset probability of the random walks, i.e. the probability that a user that surfs the graph an decides to jump to another vertex not connected to the current. v (:obj:`tf.Variable`): The stationary distribution vector. It contains the normalized probability to stay in each vertex of the graph. So represents the PageRank ranking of the graph. writer (:obj:`tf.summary.FileWriter`): This attribute represents a TensorFlow's Writer, that is used to obtain stats. is_sparse (bool): Use sparse Tensors if it's set to True. Not implemented yet. """ name = name + "_iter" T = TransitionResetMatrix(sess, name, graph, beta) PageRank.__init__(self, sess, name, beta, T, writer, is_sparse) self.iter = lambda i, a, b: tf.matmul(a, tf.where(self.T.G.is_not_sink_tf, self.T(), b))
def _pr_convergence_tf(self, convergence: float, topics: List[int] = None, c_criterion=ConvergenceCriterion.ONE) -> tf.Tensor: """ Method that implements a iterative version of PageRank until convergence rate. This method runs the PageRank algorithm in iterative fashion a undetermined number of times bounded by the `convergence` rate and the 'c_criterion' criterion. Args: convergence (float): A float between 0 and 1 that represents the convergence rate that allowed to finish the iterative implementations of the algorithm to accept the solution. Default to `1.0`. topics (:obj:`list` of :obj:`int`, optional): A list of integers that represent the set of vertex where the random jumps arrives. If this parameter is used, the uniform distribution over all vertices of the random jumps will be modified to jump only to this vertex set. Default to `None`. c_criterion (:obj:`function`, optional): The function used to calculate if the Convergence Criterion of the iterative implementations is reached. Default to `tfgraph.ConvergenceCriterion.ONE`. Returns: (:obj:`tf.Tensor`): A 1-D `tf.Tensor` of [n] shape, where `n` is the cardinality of the graph vertex set. It contains the normalized rank of vertex `i` at position `i`. """ p = self._generate_personalized_vector(topics) self.run_tf( self.v.assign( tf.while_loop(c_criterion, lambda i, v, v_last, c, n: (i + 1, self.iter(i, v, p), v, c, n), [0.0, self.v, tf.zeros([1, self.T.G.n]), convergence, self.T.G.n_tf], + "_while_conv")[ 1])) return self.v def _pr_steps_tf(self, steps: int, topics: List[int] = None) -> tf.Tensor: """ Method that implements a iterative version of PageRank with fixed steps. This method runs the PageRank algorithm in iterative fashion a fixed number of times bounded by the `steps` parameter. Args: steps (int): A positive integer that sets the number of iterations the iterative implementations will run the algorithm until finish. Default to `0`. topics (:obj:`list` of :obj:`int`, optional): A list of integers that represent the set of vertex where the random jumps arrives. If this parameter is used, the uniform distribution over all vertices of the random jumps will be modified to jump only to this vertex set. Default to `None`. Returns: (:obj:`tf.Tensor`): A 1-D `tf.Tensor` of [n] shape, where `n` is the cardinality of the graph vertex set. It contains the normalized rank of vertex `i` at position `i`. """ p = self._generate_personalized_vector(topics) self.run_tf( self.v.assign( tf.while_loop(lambda i, v: i < steps, lambda i, v: (i + 1.0, self.iter(i, v, p)), [0.0, self.v], + "_while_steps")[ 1])) return self.v def _pr_exact_tf(self, topics: List[int] = None) -> None: """ This class not implements the exact version of PageRank. It generates an exception to notify it to the user. Args: topics (:obj:`list` of :obj:`int`, optional): A list of integers that represent the set of vertex where the random jumps arrives. If this parameter is used, the uniform distribution over all vertices of the random jumps will be modified to jump only to this vertex set. Default to `None`. Returns: (:obj:`tf.Tensor`): A 1-D `tf.Tensor` of [n] shape, where `n` is the cardinality of the graph vertex set. It contains the normalized rank of vertex `i` at position `i`. """ raise NotImplementedError( str(self.__class__.__name__) + ' not implements exact PageRank') def _generate_personalized_vector(self, topics: List[int] = None): """ Generates the Tensor that will be used to represent personalization. Args: topics (:obj:`list` of :obj:`int`, optional): A list of integers that represent the set of vertex where the random jumps arrives. If this parameter is used, the uniform distribution over all vertices of the random jumps will be modified to jump only to this vertex set. Default to `None`. Returns: (:obj:`tf.Tensor`): A 2-D `tf.Tensor` of [n,n] shape, where `n` is the cardinality of the graph vertex set. It contains the extended version of normalized personalized vector. """ if topics is not None: return tf.ones([self.T.G.n, self.T.G.n]) * tf.reshape( tf.scatter_nd(tf.constant(topics, shape=[len(topics), 1]), len(topics) * [1 / len(topics)], [self.T.G.n]), [1, self.T.G.n]) else: return tf.fill([self.T.G.n, self.T.G.n], tf.pow(self.T.G.n_tf, -1))
[docs] def update_edge(self, edge: np.ndarray, change: float) -> None: """ The callback to receive notifications about edge changes in the graph. This method is called from the Graph when an addition or deletion is produced on the edge set. So probably is necessary to recompute the PageRank ranking. Args: edge (:obj:`np.ndarray`): A 1-D `np.ndarray` that represents the edge that changes in the graph, where `edge[0]` is the source vertex, and `edge[1]` the destination vertex. change (float): The variation of the edge weight. If the final value is 0.0 then the edge is removed. Returns: This method returns nothing. """ self.run_tf(self._pr_convergence_tf(convergence=0.01))