Source code for tf_G.utils.utils

import numpy as np

[docs]class Utils: """ Utils class of the tf_G package. This class contains static methods that will be used by another classes around the package. """ @staticmethod
[docs] def ranked(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ This method sorts the array indices given by its values. It can be used to generate a ranking based on the values of an array in which the value represents the score and the index the object identifier. Args: x (:obj:`np.ndarray`): A 2-D `np.ndarray` to rank the results by rows. Returns: (:obj:`np.ndarray`): An array containing the indices of the input array sorted in decremental order. """ return np.argsort(x, axis=1)
[docs] def save_ranks(filename: str, array: np.ndarray, index_increment: bool = True) -> None: """ This method will save the input array in the filesystem. The method creates a file in the filesystem with name `filename` and puts the array content inside it. This method provides the `index_increment` that increments the first column by one if True. The reason of this option is that the method is created to store results of graph operations, and in some cases the graph vertices is represented as 0-indexed and anothers as 1-indexed. Args: filename (str): The name of the file that will be created. array (:obj:`np.ndarray`): The array that contains the data that will be saved. index_increment (bool, optional): Increments the first column of the array input if True, do nothing otherwise. Returns: This method returns nothing. """ if index_increment: array[:, 0] += 1 np.savetxt(filename, array, fmt='%i,%f', header='vertex_id,page_rank', comments='')